How To Upload Your First Podcast

We don’t like writing long articles that no one will ever probably read so we gonna keep it short and meaningful. These are the 5 steps to starting your podcast. Check out the video below for a step by step guide thats less… wordy.

  1. Setup A SoundCloud account – Click this link HERE to setup your soundCloud account. Its a very simple a easy signup that takes less than five minutes to complete. You can use your Facebook profile to signup which makes it a lot faster and easier.
  2. Customize – In the signup process, and also after – you have a lot of options to customize your profile to share more about yourself and make your podcast easier to find. Having a high quality display image “1200 x 1200” is a big plus, make sure the name is unique and best speaks to your podcast and add a short description for new listeners to your podcast to learn more about you.
  3. Upload – SoundCloud have made uploading content as easy as putting up a tweet. Simply click the upload button, select the audio file from your device, add some extra info on the episode  in the title and description, and you are done. Make sure you don’t use any copy written music in your podcast as this can lead to it being taken down.
  4. Share – Share, Share, Share. All you need to do is click the share button of the specific upload and copy the link to share to all your social media channels. We do advise that you use Google Short Link or Bitly in order to make the link less scary for people to click on.
  5. Monitor – Download the SoundCloud Pulse APP onto your device to monitor all info on your listenership. This helps you better understand the numbers behind the content you are putting out and your performance.

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