Searching for business name ideas ? Generate business names and check domain availability instantly.
Dribbble is where designers gain inspiration, feedback, community, and jobs. Discover and connect with designers worldwide.
Find the applications that help your team build better, together. You can discover, browse, and install free and paid tools.
Community of tech lovers and early adopters. Browse, search or submit your product or startup.
Showcase and discover the latest work from top online portfolios by creative professionals across industries.
Listen to your favorite Podcasts for free. Podbean is also a podcast publishing and monetization service for individuals and businesses.
Crunchbase is the leading destination for company insights from early-stage startups to the Fortune 1000. Get insights into your competition.
Use pinterest to discover ideas for products, designs, style inspiration and other ideas to try.
Getting design inspiration from Uplab. Up curates the best of design & development inspiration, resources and freebies.
Muzli is a new-tab Chrome extension that instantly delivers relevant design stories and inspiration.
More than 3 millions free vectors, PSD, photos and free icons. Exclusive freebies and graphic resources for your projects.
Crowdsourced directory of product ideas people wish existed. Here you might find an idea for your next startup or product.
Find design ideas from a collection of high-quality free Design Resources created by the most talented awesome people online.
An application and web service for managing a reading list of articles from the Internet. Save resources to read later.
Learn from founders behind hundreds of profitable online businesses, and connect with others starting and growing their own companies.
Daily design news, prototyping tool tutorials, inspiration, and deals: Everything you need to supercharge your design skills.
Get inspiration from over 170 iOS apps and 10,000 patterns (screenshots from iPhone X) available on the platform.
Lapa Ninja is created to help designers find inspiration, learn and improve design skills.
Website Awards that recognize and promote the talent and effort of the best developers, designers and web agencies.
Daily inspiration collected from daily UI archive and beyond. Handpicked and updated daily.
Get connected with local groups and events so you can meet new people, explore your city or find support.
TechCrunch is a leading technology media platform dedicated to obsessively profiling startups, reviewing new Internet products, and breaking tech news.
A platform to read and write big ideas and important stories. Contribute or find new ideas, startups or fresh thinking.
Creative Market is an online marketplace for community-generated design assets – graphics, themes, pictures, and other digital goods.
Startup Tracker is the startup company search engine. The platform aggregates, crawls and crowdsources startup profiles on-demand.
This platform helps startups preparing to launch with information by curating articles written by founders, designers, investors and thought leaders.
An organized hub to discuss ideas, share updates, and build knowledge that the whole team can refer back to later.
YouTube is a website for video viewing, uploading and downloading. The platform commonly used for advertising and growing audience reach.
Wondershare Filmora is a simple video editor with powerful functionality and a fully-stacked feature set making video editing easier.
LanguageTool is a free grammar and style checker tool for English, German, Spanish, Russian, and more than 20 other languages.
Hemingway Editor highlights lengthy, complex sentences, errors and shows readability grade in your writing making it better, easier and professional.
Envato is the world’s leading marketplace and community for creative assets and creative people. Get free templates for your ideas.
Cruip is a collection of free HTML templates to easily build beautiful landing pages for your startup.
Where founders get deals, list & recruit startup jobs, apply for funding (Accelerators, Funds, Angels) & Investors find great startups.